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Re: Hauling across country alone plus dog
In a message dated 12/28/98 4:41:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
EISENHART@aol.com writes:
<< I'm a shipper, as well as an endurance person. I WOULD NOT unload your
if it's only 24-26 hours. >>
Since there is no event at the end of this haul, and since this is a strange
horse, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Christine's advice here! Stop for a few
hours from time to time so that the horse can rest in the trailer, but boy
howdy, I would sure not risk unloading a strange horse for such a short haul,
unless I am parked somewhere with facilities and help. We make the run from
central Oregon to northern Texas a couple of times a year, usually taking or
returning with strange horses to cover our expenses. That haul is about 48
hours (we sometimes make it in less, with two of us to drive). We are
faithful about hay and water, and short stops periodically, and have always
had the horses get off in great shape. I only unload when I am only hauling
my own well-seasoned endurance guys, who are unflappable about anything and
everything, and even so, I tend to only do it at fairgrounds and the like.
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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