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Re: Hauling horse & dog

ALSO: GivePro-biotics before you leave!  & Have a great time!
>I'm a shipper, as well as an endurance person.  I WOULD NOT unload your 
>if it's only 24-26 hours.  Don't grain.  Give water every three to four 
>and hay, if possible, at will.  If I have a horse untied in the 
trailer, I
>leave hay down for them.  If they are tied, I put it in a hay bay, tied 
>high, so there's no chance of getting tangled up in it.  
>Doing this haul by yourself, this time of year, is very risky.  If you 
have a
>friend that can make the trip with you, I'd highly suggest it.  If you 
have a
>cell phone, or a CB, make sure you take it.  Make sure someone at home 
>your itinerary.  If you feel at all tired, stop and rest for an hour or 
>I'm sure I left something out :-)  Sorry for sounding like a mother 
>Good luck!!
>Mane Street Horse Transport

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