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Horsey colds and cures

Hi group,

Hope you all had a Merry Xmas and are heading towards a great New Year!

Ok, my buddy Blue has a cold with a cough and a very small amount of snot. 
 I talked to the vet and right now he is holding his own with no fever. 
 While I was lying in the chiropractors office I was wondering why couldn't 
I give Blue Echinacea like I do my kids when they have colds?  Granted I'd 
have to give him a real expensive series of the stuff but I imagine it 
won't hurt him, after all it is only herbs.  We have a ride to do end of 
January and I am really hoping he is better by then.  Right now I am using 
vicks on his nostrils and that is it. What do you all do for your equine 
pals when they have colds and are under the weather?

Also I've been afraid to visit my yearling because of the cold germs.  If I 
wash my hands shouldn't it be o.k.?  Or since colds are airborne can the 
germs get on my clothes and could I accidently carry the germs to another 

                                  Cheryl Newbanks
~~~           ~~ ^ ^        SW Region
~~~\      _ ~~/ /\ /        Buckeye, AZ
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