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Re: Knot in muscle = Grade 3 lame >>>>> Absorbine ?

>> You probably saw it on the Tevis list under allowed substances:
>> "Liniments that do not contain materials absorbed into the body (alcohol,
>> Absorbine)."
>> Other linaments, like Bigeloil, DO have substances that are absorbed.
>So it is allowed?

It is at Tevis . . .<g>.    Since I also ride a lot of NATRC where they
don't allow anything except ice -- and that only recently -- I've just
gotten in the habit of using *nothing*:   that way I don't have to keep
straight what kind of competition I'm at!

I have been in exactly your situation with a horse that got a cramp in her
pectoral muscle,  and a good deep muscle release and some massage and
stretching did a much better job than any superficial linament could do.
We were back at the vet within about 15 minutes and got our completion.
If massage and stretching won't do it then neither will linament -- at
least not within the time constraints of a competition.

Lynn Kinsky (Santa Ynez, CA)

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