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Re: Fwd: mountain bikers
Here in Pa in one state park they banned the horses on some of the nicer trails to eliminate the problem the mountain bikers were having. They do not allow any motorized vehicles, just "peddle" bikes and hikers. There are still some trails were horses can be ridden but are still banned from some of the nicer "main" trails.
On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 10:56:58 Robert Morris wrote:
>Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Ride.
>Mountain Bikes were, for a while, a very great problem. This area of the
>Northwest is a very popular place for riding on trails. People come from all
>around to enjoy the rides.
>We, the equestrians, got together with the local bike clubs and shops and
>talked over our problems. Mostly it was the quite silent bike approaching
>from the rear with no warning that would spook the horse. Things worked out
>quite well but there is an ongoing problem of education to the "new comers"
>that appear on the scene.
>As trail and endurance riders, we have found that co-operation and working
>together has assisted in keeping open some questionable trails. This means
>working with all groups, the motor bikes, the mountain bikes and the hikers.
>Our greatest problem is not with the users themselves but the agency, local,
>state and federal, who perceive a conflict and do not listen to the entire
>user spectrum. It seems that some of the se persons delight in creating
>conflict so they can limit use of some trails.
>So. my Christmas wish for all out there is to work together with all users.
>If all the users did this the agencies would be overwhelmed and required to
>work with us.
>Bob Morris
>Morris Endurance Enterprises
>Boise, ID
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Flemmer, Linda <flemmerl@rcbhsc.wvu.edu>
>To: SandyDSA@aol.com <SandyDSA@aol.com>
>Cc: Ridecamp@endurance.net <Ridecamp@endurance.net>
>Date: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 10:21 AM
>Subject: Re: Fwd: mountain bikers
>>Uh Oh! Read my (REPLACEMENT) words below.....
>>SandyDSA@aol.com wrote:
>>> Around here, it seems that the road riders (ENDURANCE RIDERS) are
>stupider than any 6 yera old
>>> who has had a little bicycle ed (A FEW RIDING LESSONS). These idiots
>insist on riding 2, 3 and
>>> sometimes 4 or 5 abreast down a local 2 lane road! Theses are people all
>>> dressed up like they are going to a bike (ENDURANCE) fashion show, on
>expensive bikes (SADDLES & SLICK, MUSCLED HORSES), and
>>> for all they LOOK like, you would THINK they would have a clue. But they
>>> - they just zip (GALLOP) on down the road, yakking it up.
>>We preach tolerance and share the trails - we need to follow that
>>advice. I ctop and chat with folks like this (or more likely, speed up
>>& trot along with them) to explain what I do, what my worries are, etc.
>>Usually very well received.
>>In my state, bikes are allowed 2 abreast, and that is encouraged.
>>Otherwise, cars etc. can pass them without going into the other lane.
>>Very dangerous situation. On narrow trail with blind curves, single
>>file is a matter of survival. MAYBE we'll give natural selection a hand
>>& simply get rid of the really stupid ones when they have their
>>accidents on these narrow trails.
>>I don't know about the bikers using bells, but I do. I yield to them
>>uphill when they have some momentum going, and I expect them to "run
>>down" at a controlled, reasonable speed. So far, very few problems as
>>long as we know that each other is coming. That's where the bells are
>>handy. I have sleigh bels on a velcro strap that attached to the breast
>>collar. The horse's shoulder motion keeps em going. I get used to them
>>by the end of the ride. I lounged Rocket with them to start - he felt
>>like it was no big deal & took to them VERY well.
>>BTW - Here, Mountain bikers = souped up, sturdy bicycles ridden off road
>>Dirt Bikes are motorcycles that do the same thing.
>>Linda Flemmer
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