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Re: Hind end nerve damage?
Hello again!
Sorry to clutter up ridecamp with lameness problems, but I really
appreciate all the feedback I'm getting back. I've been lurking on
ridecamp for over a year and this is where I have been getting all my
training information and also now from other ridecamp members, Paddi,
and Monika.
I bought my first horse last year after deciding endurance was what I
wanted to do. (I saw a picture of Christy Jansen in the paper doing the
tevis rock and I knew that would be so amazing). I broke my hip learning
to ride Dhanny (who was not broke) bareback as I couldn't afford a
saddle for at that time. (He was really good until he spooked.) I
basically learned to ride by learning to stay on him (after sprained
ankles and lots of shear determination). I didn't know anyone at that
time to help. In the end I was successful, and although I always knew I
should sell him to someone experienced I just couldn't part with him.
But I thought I was treating him like a horse, and not until he took
lame I realized how much he means to me.
Any ways, Dhanny is not getting worse at least, and maybe a bit better.
So the vets ruled out any diseases as they felt that he would be showing
more symptoms by now. I have found an equine physio who I am trying to
convince to come out here and she said she would if he gets any worse.
Christmas is bad timing!
Thank you to everyone who responded. If anyone is interested, I have a
picture of him at
Thanks again,
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