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Re: stereotyping
Hi all
It was Churchill who said that the U.S. and the U.K. are two nations
separated by language. I can think of several sayings that we say here that
would have you horrified and vice versa, for instance when we say rubber we
mean in U.S. an eraser.
Fanny to us does not mean bottom or ass but something even more intimate.
Every time I read about so and so searching for something in their fanny
pack my mind wanders wildly. If you tell a woman in the U.K. that she has a
nice fanny you're liable to get more than a slap!
Ho ho ho!
P.S. sorry for indulging in off topic buffonery but we all need a laugh with
all the stuff going on in Baghdad! The UK team is back from Dubai in one
piece and I can only hope everyone else is back ok!
>From: "Mary Burgess" <mburgess@theglobal.net>
>To: "Angela C. McGhee" <rides2far@juno.com>
>Subject: Re: stereotyping
>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 1998, 5:10 pm
>> Finally, a warning, it can be dangerous to travel between the north and
>> south too. My brother asked a waitress for "a little ice" and almost got
>> slapped.
>> Angie
>Angie - your posts are always such a chuckle! I'd love to hear you talk
>some day! I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who said that English
>speaking peoples are a family separated by a common language...
> My favorite idiom/pronunciation story happened while traveling in Africa
>one summer with an official from the U.K. as an emissary for the U.N. Food
>and Agriculture Association. As he dropped me off at my hotel after work
>one day, he said "I'll knock you up in the morning"...I'm still waiting.
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