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WEC funny
The Best Condition Judging was postponed from 11:00 AM to 12:00AM (Like
everything else the entire week).
Here's why they changed it!
Late, late at night they were finally shutting down the race site and
vet check out in the middle of the desert. By the way this site for all
of us was a hour and twenty minute drive with absolutely no signage on
how to get there. On race day it didn't matter because the dust was so
thick and in the dark you wouldn't have been able to see the signs any
ways. But it was not too hard to find the vetcheck, you simply followed
the path of cars stuck in the sand, many abandoned with their flashers
on. It only took my car two hours to find the vetcheck/race site and I
had been there once already. But back to the race officials shutting
down the vet check. All of the last vets, timers and officials were
ready to leave for the hotels and barns. Jim Bryant says "I know the way
on the ‘new road' and I'll lead you out, it will only take a half hour."
So twenty vehicles with three to four in each take off across the
desert. Halfway there the groups get separated and the lead group turns
around to find the laggers, some of which are stuck in the sand. In the
mess of getting everyone turned around they get disoriented and can't
find the road. The French vets have two bottles of wine and Juan has a
flash of rum. They all settled down and waited until dawn when they
could figure out where they were. The convoy finally made it back to the
barns close to 9:00 AM and that is why they postponed the BC judging.
Actually everyone was quite glad that the officials did not miss the
experiences that the rest of us enjoyed throughout the week.
Steve Shaw
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