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Maiden Mares/Old Mares
> I"ve just had a foal from a 15 y.o. maiden mare that has been in
> competition
> all her life (shes in really good shape) and I'm curious about the
> comments
> on Older Mares having foals...What is considered "old" in foaling
> standards?
> Since, generally, Arabians have a longer life expectancy is the "normal"
> age increased for an Arabian? What is the "oldest" that you should bred a
> mare? Or when will you "know" when it's time to stop breeding her? Or
> will
> you? BTW...both the mare and foal had no troubles at all...
Gini Wilson
Gaily & Gaila Breeze (waiting their turn to compete)
> < Any comments on the quality of foals from a maiden mare? I've heard
> everything from "they're throwaways" to "there's no difference". I
> would imagine reality is somewhere in the middle, >>
> Usually not much difference, but occasionally you find a runty
> one--generally
> there is a reason for it, like poor mothering, not enough milk, even
> occasional placental insufficiency in a young mare, although that is more
> common on the other end of the age spectrum. I think there is more
> problem
> getting healthy foals from really OLD mares than from maidens.
> Heidi
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