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Riding in bowhunting season

Gee whiz, where do YOU ride? 
My husband's bow hunted for years. Bow hunting is NOT easy. The success rate
for a bowhunter is much lower than for a rifle hunter, because of many
factors..the prime one being a bowhunter must be a HUNTER.
 And if someone is drinking while he's in his tree stand, he's more likely to
fall off and break his neck than shoot a horseman. Good riddance....alcohol
and weapons do NOT mix.

 In all the years he's hunted, both bow and rifle, he's never seen anyone in
the woods their camps, maybe, but certainly not in the woods. Deer
have phenomenal noses and no doubt can smell a drunk a mile away..which, come
to think of it, may not be a bad those deer towards my husband!
Seriously, I have never heard of someone on horseback being shot by a

If someone's shot during rifle season, it's because the hunter isn't a hunter,
he's a shooter..BIG difference. A real hunter never shoots until he's (or
she's) absolutely sure of the target. (We've gone without venison in the
freezer so often because of this......).
I'm not saying there aren't irresponsible idiots in the woods during hunting
season. Unfortunately,it seems that is the case more and more these days. I'm
saying that, if you want to wear bells while riding in the woods, please don't
feel you need an excuse. Wear them because you want to, and who cares what
other people might think?.

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