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Re: Awards Ceremony

WEC site is chosen from those who submit requests.  The UAE
offered money to the FEI...a huge sum from what I have heard. 
Money talks.

Unfortunately, such an even is VERY costly, hence few countries
can afford to host them.  About time for some sponsorship you
say? Why doesn't Cossequin or Bayer sponsor endurance? 
Visibility and returns on their investment.  Endurance is not a
very good spectator sport and the clientel are, so far, not rich
enough to make a significant impact on their sales.

You read the bottom line......


Catherine Foster wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This brings up a question, this has probably already been answered before,
> but here goes:
> How is the site of the competition determined???
> Thanks
> Cathy
> Prince George, BC
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Jennifer Kendall []
> Sent:   Tuesday, December 15, 1998 5:53 AM
> To:
> Subject:        Re[2]: Awards Ceremony
> <<if they can't accept the reality of women and other nations as winners
> and finishers, they are missing the whole point. >>
> Brenda,
> I couldn't agree more!  I believe that if they can not be gracious losers,
> they
> should not have the honor of holding such an event...even if they are very
> hospitable up until the win...just my 2 cents!
> Congratulations to everyone who had the opportunity to participate and
> help!!!
> Great Job Everyone!!!
> Jen

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