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'99 AERC/UMECRA Rocky Mountain Ride is August 2-6
- To: ridecamp@endurance.net
- Subject: '99 AERC/UMECRA Rocky Mountain Ride is August 2-6
- From: mbp@holly.colostate.edu (Brad Patterson)
- Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 02:23:16 -0700
- Cc: mcunningham@calcot.com, EquesB@aol.com, johnt@fsr.com, Leonard.LIESENS@DG10.cec.be, arikaras@iafrica.com, KC85124@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU, buytheline@softcom.net, zebella@northrim.net, BDWright@UCDavis.edu, Whitcomb.Elizabeth@mayo.edu, WWArabsrun@aol.com, jillianw@rmi.net, ruth@timbercrest.com, Cedmes@aol.com, vanhove@unavco.ucar.edu, lindavaneq@juno.com, hollis.ulyate@med.va.gov, michaelt@info2000.net, cmiket@aol.com, step@bluefish.fsr.com, katswig@deltanet.com, DEBSUSS@worldnet.att.net, Marinera@aol.com, CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com, skoglund@lamar.colostate.edu, k.simler@mailexcite.com, Sschom@platte1.platte1.k12.wy.us, Teddy@runningbear.com, MyraRooney@aol.com, VMAXEPT@aol.com, LRiedel769@aol.com, mmsprice@mail.ptd.net, poppe@sec.noaa.gov, dpfalmer@rmi.net, ramey@wvi.com, lis_gammelin@mailgate.patagonia.com, snewman@fcc.gov, Navarrada@aol.com, wind@visionsofthewind.com, mmaul@flash.net, mathison.mhs.mr2@RII.Maryville.K12.MO.US, tinamathison@hotmail.com, mmarston/r2_arnfpng@fs.fed.us, magsmarston@juno.com, kmama@vth.colostate.edu, jlong@mti.net, Cbaertsch@aol.com, dkuhn@mayo.edu, DocUte@aol.com, jackson@inconnect.com, jhughes@scitor.com, cancer@inetworld.net, lhimmel@mail.obgyn.uiowa.edu, lhess01@mail.coin.missouri.edu, henslee@triax.com, Vuduvet@aol.com, bhtoolin@juno.com, haywardl@shentel.net, bgray@xmission.com, lynng@access.mountain.net, hikryrdg@evansville.net, rvf@micron.net, ENDURANCEVET@WRITEME.COM, kenlyn@idcomm.com, kari.fadness@IAHA.com, equithotics@earthlink.net, ETofCO@aol.com, dowling@skyway.usask.ca, sharon@dolantruax.gardnerville.nv.us, ccrespo@nigma.com, cadair4407@ao.com, novahpr@aol.com, samaia@earthlink.net, spiritr@uslink.net, DarcyBean@aol.com, carmen@hiWAAY.net, dancoe@wyoming.com, darolyn@swbell.net, AdamsRa.nch@juno.com
Greetings Endurists:
As Teddy Roosevelt once said, "There is no better way to see the world than
from the back of a horse."
To see some of the best of our world, I invite you to experience the 3rd
Annual running of the 275 Mile Rocky Mountain Ride to be held on Monday -
Friday, August 2nd - 6th, 1999 in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado
& Wyoming. Once again, a 25 mile Limited Distance ride will be also held
on Friday the 6th. The high country trail will be beautiful and
challenging, yet achievable, taking you through a variety of sites rich in
history. My goal is to provide you with an enjoyable endurance experience
with your horse and to share with you some of the wonderful scenery of the
mountains that I call home.
This year, the endurance ride will be both AERC and UMECRA sanctioned.
Each day is considered a seperate event, so you can ride any combination of
days on any combination of horses, and drivers will be available to move
rigs from camp to camp. Appearing for their 3rd performance, the Vets will
be the dynamic duo of Drs. Barney Fleming, our new AERC "Is-Large"
Director! (Congratulations, Barney!), and Ute Jung.
I want to recognize and thank the following people for their committment of
trail marking and financial support that will allow this ride to continue:
Deb Anderson (CO) Phyllis Arnold (MT) Lisa
Ashbach (CO)
Candy Barbo-KuBar Portable Panels (MN) Roger Blalock (AL)
Dan Coe (WY) Nancy Day & Boxelder Trails (CO)
Linda Fisher & Kenlyn Arabians (CO) Lynne
Himmelreich (IA)
Brigitt Helm (CO) Tom Hoggard (CO) Jill
Hughes (CO)
Marsha Ingalls (CO) Will Ingalls (CO)
Dianne Kuhn-KuBar Portable Panels (MN) Joe Long (CO)
Theresa Maloof (CO) Lisa Marno (WY) Joe Moreno (WY)
Denise Pfalmer (CO) Dorothy Sue Phillips (MT)
Sala & Tom Sherwood (NV)
Linnea Skoglund (CO)
Linda VanCeylon (CO) & Diana Zettlemoyer (CO).
As always, riders get to enjoy daily lunches, delicious dinners, and hot
showers (if they have enough energy!) each night, plus a Friday Night Final
Banquet & Awards Bash with great Teriyaki food, lots of beer and peanuts,
and a live+accoustic+funny+strolling band playing rowdy country/folk
Completion prizes are fun pewter artwork that build a train as you complete
each day, with each piece sitting on a rail flatcar: Day One - The Rocky
Mountain Ride custom piece of a horse greeting you from a golden sack
(you'll have to see it!), Day Two-Engine, Day Three - Horse, Day Four -
Moose, Day Five - Ram, Day Six - Dog with a hat, Day Seven-Donkey, Day
Eight-Fox, Day Nine-Owl, & Day Ten-Longhorn Bull; five new pieces will be
added for 1999. Rocky Mountain Riders, those completing all five
(consecutive) days, receive a Caboose! There are pewter animal sculptures
on wood bases with plaques for each day's Best Condition and First Place
finishers. The top overall awards are large pewter sculptures of a Pegasus
carrying a crystal ball on a marble base for Best Condition, a rearing
horse in front of mountain peaks on a wood base for Runner-Up Best
Condition, a limited edition charging ram for 1st Place, a smaller charging
ram for Runner-Up, a sculpture of "Cowboy Joe" for the Rothwell Ultimate
Sportsmanship Award, and a standing bear for the Sturgeon-Front Range
Exceptional Equestrians Courage Award.
By the request of many riders, the Great Rocky Mountain Treasure Hunt will
return for 1999, with two "treasures" to be found each day by solving the
curious clues and keeping your eyes wide and ready as you ride!
Being the historian that I am, I compiled some Rocky Mountain Ride stats
for your enjoyment:
*The ride has an overall average completion rate of 89%.
* Over 5 days & 275 miles, horse & rider teams in the RMR will
climb 25,803' and drop 25,938'!
*The highest point on the ride, which, I believe, is the highest
point of any endurance ride in the world, is at 11,161' on Montgomery Pass
in Colorado (Day Four).
*The past recipients of the Rothwell Ultimate Sportsmanship Award are:
1998: Dorothy Sue Phillips (MT) & Linnea Skoglund (CO)
1997: Nancy Day (CO)
*The past recipient of the Sturgeon-Front Range Exceptional
Equestrians Courage Award is:
1998: Phyllis Arnold (MT)
*The Dented Hubcap Award has been boldly claimed for two
consecutive years by:
Albert Steelman (IA), 1997 & 1998
*Phyllis Arnold (MT) & R.P. Schatzi has the record for the most
completions at 10. Besides Phyllis, 12 other riders have completed all
five (consecutive) days on one horse.
*The Overall Best Condition and First Place winners are:
1998-BC: Phyllis Arnold (MT) & R.P. Schatzi
Runner-Up BC: Sharon Dumas (NM) & O.T. Sundown
First Place: Sharon Dumas (NM) & O.T. Sundown
Runner-Up: Phyllis Arnold (MT) & R.P. Schatzi
1997-BC: Sala Sherwood (NV) & Roper
Runner-Up BC: Georges Chauvin (France) & O.T.
Cassidy's Dance
First Place: Georges Chauvin (France) & O.T.
Cassidy's Dance
Runner-Up: Sala Sherwood (NV) & Roper
* Concerning riding times (overall average time per day), the
fastest finishing time is 7:14; the best condition finishing time is 7:36;
the average finishing time is 9:36; and the slowest finishing time is
11:03. Crockett Dumas (NM) & O.T. Sundance holds the fastest finishing
time records for Days One (6:02), Two (6:30), and Five (7:47), all in 1998;
Karen Kroon, DVM (WY) & Gonzin has the record for Day Three (9:25-1997);
and Bob Steller (WY) & Markoss has the Day Four record (6:26-1997).
As Kevin Lynch wrote, "At every instant, there is more than the eye can
see, more than the ear can hear, a setting or view waiting to be explored.
Nothing is experienced by itself, but always in relation to its
surroundings, the sequences of events leading up to it, the memory of past
I look foward to seeing you in Arlington, Wyoming on August 1st to
experience "endurance at its peaks" with the 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain
Brad Patterson, Ride Manager
May 1-2: 11th PAWNEE GRASSLANDS RIDE 15/30/50/75/100-25/50 (Briggsdale,
Colorado). Pre-Registration deadline is 10 days (postmarked) before the
ride; pre-registration deposit is $25.00.
August 2-6: 3rd ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDE 55/55/55/55/25-55
***AERC & UMECRA Sanctioned ***AERC Pioneer Award Event
2 - "Medicine Bow", Arlington, WY
3 - "Gus Ehlin & Cinnabar", Centennial, WY
4 - "Rawahs", Mountain Home/WyColo, WY
5 - "Montgomery Pass", Gould, CO
6 - "Cache La Poudre", Red Feather Lakes, Indian Meadows & Stove Prairie, CO
Pre-Registration deadline is July 1st; deposit is $25 per day.
September 4-6: 4th HORSETHIEF PASS 15/30/50-15/30/50-15/30/50 (Walden,
Colorado). ***AERC Pioneer Award Event. ***New Location!
Pre-Registration deadline is 10 days (postmarked) before the ride;
pre-registration deposit is $25.00.
"There is no better way to see the world than from the back of a horse."
- Teddy Roosevelt
Email: mbp@holly.colostate.edu
Mail: 1600 West Plum Street #28-H, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Home Phone/Fax: 970-491-8891 (evenings after 9:00 pm are best)
Work Phone: 970-962-2487
A portion of the proceeds from these rides will go to benefit:
The Children's Hospital (1056 East 19th Avenue, Box 153, Denver, CO
80218) for Inherited Metabolic Disease Clinic research;
The Crazy Horse Grass Roots Club (Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation,
Avenue of the Chiefs, Black Hills, Crazy Horse, SD 57730-9508) for Native
American scholarships;
Front Range Exceptional Equestrians (Post Office Box 272452, Fort
Collins, CO 80527-2452) for recreational & therapeutic riding programs for
the diabled.
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