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awards ceremony
Nobody is going to support poor
sportsmanship at the awards ceremony but try to keep it in perspective of the
overall event.
The UAE did take the event after it was dropped
by another country. And they paid for every nation in the world to send a team.
Although it is apparent they wanted to win it all they made it much harder on
themselves by footing the bill for everyone.
New Zealand had never attended a WEC
before with a team. The reason was cost. I still remember the lone New
Zealander who went to the 94 WEC, did well (3rd?), got pulled at the finish and
then couldn't pay to fly her horse home because they had raised the
transportation fees above what she paid to fly the horse there. She stood
at the awards ceremony with a for sale sign on her horse and sold it then and
there for a very reasonable rate since she was between a rock and a hard
So who wins the Gold this
time? I just hope she was there on the team.
And the photos in the english UAE newspapers
showed a smiling king (?) congratulating and hugging Val at the finish line.
There are some parts of this
country that would not make a good impression on foreign visitors.
The fact that they held the event with
world class vets and FEI officials. And the fact that an American won and NZ
took team gold tells me to not judge to harshly.
Jim Mitchell
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