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RE: Awards Ceremony

hey Leonard, most direct and superlitive congratulations on making it 
through the WEC.  that team riding thing seems to have been the right thing 
to do.  hope you had a great time at the ride!!!!!


On Monday, December 14, 1998 2:09 AM, 
[] wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was there at the entrance of the Stadium with the belgian team. We 
where very happy to be the first nation (alphabetical order) because the 
other nations where parked in a corridor very hot and where even not able 
to breath and see the big screen of the stadium.
> I was VERY UPSET about the whole thing : it was not only Val who was 
booed at, but every foreigner rider or team.
> Also, there was no national anthem like usual in FEI Championships for 
the 3 first nations. So no chances to congratulates the winners
> Then, the 'parade' hummh of the riders was like a 'mascarade' and 
everyone was asking for himself : what am I doing here ???
> Anyway congratulations to Val and to the US team
> Leonard, Belgium

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