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Jedi's Tie-up/fireworks

>more credulous is the fact that the winner Jedi was classified as 
>up several days before with a subsequent lamness three days befor the

I assume you meant to say "Incredulous."

Several years ago Jedi went through a spell where he had several small
tie-ups.  Once all Nina did was lead him out of the barn and he tied up. 
How many of us would have given up on him right there?  Instead, they
treated him for EPM!  No other symptoms that she mentioned.  He ran most
of his races after the treatment, and the tie-ups stopped. She was
surprised to hear he'd tied up.  The Kanaveys knew about it.

By the way, is everybody REALLY sure those were fireworks at the
ceremony?  I thought maybe Teddy's tack shipment never got there and she
got her hands on the shipper.


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