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Re: Bite the bullet movie-what's wrong

Thank You, Thank You , Thank You!  I was beginning to think I was the only
one who thought "The Horse Whisperer"  was a waste.  I think I would have
rather seen Spielburg do it than Redford.  (Direct that is) As with his
other movies, it was lovely to look at and BORING.  So much more could have
been done for the resistance free training of horses than that movie.  I
know Monte Roberts wasn't thrilled by it either.  Can you see a legit
"whisperer" laying a horse down like that?  I'll get off my soap box now. 
Linda the Lurker
From: Lucy Chaplin Trumbull <>
Cc: Endurance list <>
Subject: Re: Bite the bullit movie-what's wrong
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 3:31 PM wrote:
> But I wish for the sake of authenticity that the director had
> sought a technical advisor who knew something about endurance.  

Along the same lines, I know exactly how to train Mouse after
watching the Horse Whisperer. 

She already comes over to see what I'm doing when I crouch down
in her field, so all that's left for me to do is truss her up so 
she falls over, and then stand on her. Then, hey presto, we'll 
be out there, galloping from tree to tree, marking those trails. 

* * *

The question is - will she be any more receptive to mountain
lions? We had the [mis?]fortune to come across one this last
weekend. We were out on Patrick's first trail ride ever on 
Provo, so we opted for a nice, quiet, mellow excursion.

Along a really narrow, overgrown trail, Provo, with novice Patrick 
on board, spooked and tried to leave, only to find his escape 
route blocked by me hand walking Mouse. 

After his second refusal, I pushed past with Mouse and
carried on another few feet up the trail - at which point
I glanced over and finally figured out why he was acting
so weird. Gasp. Huge lion sitting in the bushes about
six foot off the trail.
Interestingly, throughout the whole incident, Mouse
didn't even seem to notice that anything was wrong.
Talk about blind trust, as she followed me down the 
trail. I wonder if this means that had she finally figured
out that it was there, would she have totally freaked

It was pretty cool, but not something I'm eager to repeat
in the near future. <g>

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA

with Mouse and Provo

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