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Re: Awards Ceremony

>Considering some of the more extreme elements in the mid East, she is
luck that it was only booing. Sad but true It's a good thing 
>none of our ladies understand their language as I'm sure lots of >ot
nice things were said about them.

Oh come on, ya'll aren't being very culturally understanding.  I remember
when Maggie Price quoted the headline when our all women team won in
...was it Italy?  It was something like "LasAmazonos Americanos" or
something like that.  

Think about it, some poor fellow has had it drilled into his head that
he's better than women...then he gets beat...women CAN'T be better than
he thought, so he must be much worse than he's supposed to be.  Could
require counseling...maybe even viagra to get over it.

Give'em a break.

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