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RE: help! feeding toothless old horse
Sally you might try soaking beet pulp which has a very high nutritional value sismilar to alfalfa hay and can be soaked so it is easy to " gum" down. Beet pulp is very cheap. About 1 cup added to 2 galloons of water will swell up and you can build her up to about as much as she will eat. Also soak hay cubes and add soaked Equine Senior, throw in a little very wet bran mash and corn oil. You can build her up to 2 cups of corn oil per day gradually . Also you can give 1-2 cups per day of rice bran and make it wet enough so she can slup it down. With this diet you can cut back on the Euine Senior which is more expensive.
Good luck
Bernita Barfild
Southwind Arabians
Sierra Vista, AZ
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