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RE: Dubai more results

>The Canadian horses were pulled.

So when are ya'll gonna host one in the snow? :-)


Actually, Canada is hosting the Pan American's in 1999 - In the Manitoba
Below is a part of the announcement, taken from the December 98 AERC
International Newsletter .........


                                                   Myna Cryderman, OC Chair

The 99 PAC promises to be a very special event. The Pan Am Games are slated
to be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from July 24th to August 9th,1999. After
negotiation we received the green light to hold the Pan Am Endurance
Championship in conjunction with and in close proximity to the Games. This
should help to
draw media attention to our sport as the eyes of the world should be on the
Games. The PAC is going to be held in Spruce Woods Park which is
approximately 75
miles west of Winnipeg. This is located geographically in the center of
North America only 50 miles from the Canada/ US border making travel
distance equal for
most competitors. Border crossing is usually relatively easy with only
negative Coggins and government certified health papers needed.

Spruce Woods Park is more than its name suggest. In addition to towering
white spruce trees on its rolling sand hills, the park offers vista of
creeping sand dunes,
quiet oxbow lakes, grassy plains , the meandering Assiniboine River and its
broad valley. The early white settlers related stories of strange noises and
apparitions in crossing these hills. For Aboriginal people, however, the
sand dunes were a place close to the Great Spirit or Kiche Manitou, rather
than a place or
home of evil spirits. To the present day visitor a feeling of closeness to
our maker is often experienced when riding through the area.

-----Original Message-----
From: Angela C. McGhee []
Sent: Friday, December 11, 1998 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: Dubai more results

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