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Dubai, awards ceremony
Hi group,
Believe it or not, I still don't know much! It's just incredible.
I *think* the BC award went to one of the UAE horses. At
the presentation awards, there were 3 horses left in contention,
2 UAE horses and the Italian horse. The awards ceremony
last night in Abu Dhabi was an incredible production - they
called it an 'Operetta' - it was a dance, music, lightshow
extravaganza. 50,000 people in attendance. Fireworks,
Arabian horses, camels, singers, etc. Absolutely amazing.
But the actual awards and announcements were lost to most
of us. The military had the area gaurded since His Highness
and his family, and the other Sheiks were in attendance. We
viewd the presentation of awards on tv screens placed high
in the stadium arena. It was conducted in Arabic (minimal
and inneffective transation). When Valerie's win was announced
the entire stadium was booing and hissing ... a little scary.
The cheering for the Nationals was deafening though.
And sad news for Belgium - they did not receive the Bronze
afterall - the times were re-evaluated and the Bronze was
awarded to Australia.
Congratulations to the Australians!
(But oh the Belgians were devastated).
After the awards extravaganza in Abu Dhabi, there was
another awards ceremony at the Jazirra hotel. I didn't
know about it (you can't believe how difficult it is to
know what's going on!) and went back to the hotel, but
I spoke to Hall Hall this morning, he said they finished
at 3AM, with an award for everybody!
I still can't find a copy of the official results, yesterday
before the buses left for Abu Dhabi, the officials were
given a copy which I saw breifly.
The official websites - the UAE site, and the SmartVision
sites ONLY have results from other rides which were held here
recently. There is nowhere that the WEC results are posted.
If you go to the UAE endurance page, the results of the Nov 11
ride are posted...
I'll post more later when I feel that I am able.
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