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Re: Jedi's Sire...Dam
Just consider; Champagne, the only mare in the AERC Hall of Fame and still
going strong at 28. Lives outdoors all year long with the rest of the herd
in the hills and is still good for a hard 25 miles. She did over 8,000 miles
86% of those rides in the top ten!
Then there is Mesaoud's Peeco, International Competitor with over 5,000
miles of top five placing. She is now 18 and very competitive.
Note also, both of these mares have had foals during their endurance
careers. Sorry to say Champagne's foals made better steer roping horses than
endurance horses.
And the mare is where the foal gets its ability from. More power to the
mares in endurance.
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernita & Jerry Barfield <barfield@primenet.com>
To: 'windfall@access1.net' <windfall@access1.net>
Cc: 'RIDECAMP' <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: Jedi's Sire...Dam
Amen Sue! Yes we do need an AERC mare award. Maybe the mare that's gone
the most miles in 1 year. The Jim Jones award is always a good
advertisement for a breeding stallion so the same should go to the mare with
the most miles in one year.
From: DougandSueRobinson[SMTP:windfall@access1.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 1998 5:48 AM
To: Bernita & Jerry Barfield; 'RIDECAMP'
Subject: Re: Jedi's Sire...Dam
I second that-the mare is definitely a strong influence on the foal's
development. When are we(AERC) going to recognize the outstanding
endurance mare? They have an award for the stallions(Jim Jones) but I
think the mares need to be recognized as well. Let's hear it for the
From: Bernita & Jerry Barfield <barfield@primenet.com>
To: 'RIDECAMP' <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Subject: Jedi's Sire...Dam
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 8:04 PM
> Now, who was it out there who still stands Jedi's sire? Isn't it a
> time to put in a plug for him?
> Angie McGhee & Kaboot
> Wildwood, GA
> Rides2far@juno.com
> Kabootnme@aol.com
Now let's not forget the dam who has far more influence on the offspring
both genetically and behaviorally than the sire. The female tail line
rarely gets the recognitions deserved ( as in the human species as well.).
Bernita BArfield
Southwind Arabians
Breeding Endurance Horses By Design
Sierra Vista, AZ
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