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Potato in Dubai

Hello Everybody and good morning here in Dubai,...
Most are probably still asleep here i Dubai.  Personally I got to my 
hotel room after about 3AM. It is currently between 8 & 9 Am here and 
the dust has settled.  The event was really exciting.  The US team was 
everywhere.  Valery did an outstanding job and I heard i the local bar 
last night that the difference between Gold & Silver Team awards was 
only about two minutes.  Must be a real shock to the US team leaders..  
My activities here where to assist the Jordan Team and we had a great 
success 5 out of 6 horses that started finished!  Most important to them 
was 1st the fact of finishing 2nd to finish ahead of the other Arab 
Countries.   I think we got a 4th  Team finish.  As Steph & I rode back 
to the Resort at 2 AM to return the horses and for me to retrieve my  
car it was a good time to review the results.  The over all finishers 
was very good.   Many horse were treated but in America they would have 
gone home without it.  That is because the treatments were free and all 
horses that were pulled  were blood tested right on the spot and if they 
showed a certain amount of dehydration they were given fluids.   While 
most would have recovered just fine with a bit of rest the organizing 
committee was being very cautious.  Not a problem just a precaution.  I 
was very impressed with the facilities.  They had 60 cages prepared for 
the horses and at times all were filled.  All horses were examined there 
to determine the fitness.  It was incredible.  I never saw so many 
bottles of fluids stacked by each doorway.  Think about it 172 horses 
and all must be examined.  A huge tast by any standard.  The vets and 
assistants were absolutely in control.  No press was allowed in the 
treatment rooms because they understand press and didn't want any 
misinterpretations.  The over all arrangements were absolutely 
unbelievable!  The provisions for all participants as well as support 
people was without any lacking.  I was overwhelmed by the help and 
support.   As with any event there are always a few individuals that try 
to impress someone because they have a little authority but it was only 
a few.  Yes the sport of endurance is alive and well in all the world.  
The gathering here was of riders from all parts of the world and I was 
very happy to be here myself!

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