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Please post results

Please post all results to ridecamp. Results are not posted yet.



At 11:04 AM 12/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Could you PLEASE give me the top tem finishers? I was having problems getting the posts, and the only one I got was this one..
>Thank you.
>David R. Bond
>MIS Site Administrator
>BIW Tamaqua Cables
>Schuylkill Haven, PA
>BIW Cable Systems
>Burlington, Ontario
>>>> <> 12/10 10:59 AM >>>
>Thank you Lara! Fantastic job reporting, keep it up, we are all grateful.
>Congrats to all the riders. Great job Valerie and Wendy and a BIG CONGRATS to
>Christy Janzen and Tais for 9th, first finisher for Canada!!!
>Looks like UAE took the gold. What an event.
> ! ! !
Kirsten L Berntsen Phone:(408)530-3005
Federal Accounts Manager Fax: (408)530-3260
Legato Systems, Inc.

"It is irrelevant to back up your data, if you are unable to recover."

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