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Re: who is AERC
I usually avoid "me too" posts, but I am also concerned by the us/them
attitude. I am even more concerned that more thought & effort is going
into finding ways to circumvent the rules (and undermine AERC) than in
looking for ways to make it work. I am looking forward to the ride
season & hope to encourage new riders to join AERC instead of
instructing them how to avoid it. A larger membership base would make it
feasible to consider lowering the individual membership to get more in
line with other organizations, but the non-member fee should stay.
NAncy Mitts
>I must be having a brain glitch but I keep reading about AERC as
"them." AERC
>is us, its' members. It does not have a life of it's own! And like
>democracy the final vote by the members makes the rules. The members
>AERC. If the vote didn't go your way - hang around. It may next time.
>fact, if more members had voted, it might have gone differently.
>I didn't vote for the present President of the USA but I still feel
like it's
>my country. I don't refer to my government as "them" like it's an
alien being
>I have to contend with. The votes told the story and I have another
chance>next year. We can't always win or have things go our way every
time. That's
>It would be nice to not see so much negative (which is probably scaring
>our new riders) and start writing about the incredible ride season soon
>start. I would love to hear about some rides in other regions. We
>Margie Burton
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