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Re: Tying up
>following---------"Tying up can occur in horses who are used
>hard, such as on endurance rides. Many of these horses are in severe
>and may act as if they have a colic.
Was with a friend when her horse tied up near the start of a workout. He
pretty much turned to stone in the rear end. His pulse was 32 and he
grazed all around him as far as he could reach as if nothing was going on
at all. When he'd eaten all the grass he could reach he desperately
wanted to take a step, but he couldn't even budge a rear hoof. When he
urinated it wasn't even discolored (when the vet arrived and said he
wished he'd seen the color I surprised him by squirting it out of the
water bottle I'd caught it in...non endurance vet, shoulda seen his face.
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