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Extra fees (funny)
Angie has some great ideas about extra charges and we have seen some
added: Here is another one or two...
> > $10 Asking a stupid question at the ride meeting that you know the
> > answer to, just because you think that someone there might not know the
> > answer.
$10 for asking a question that has just been gone over one time at the
pre-ride meeting.
$50 if you are the 2nd or more person to ask that question!!!
> > $5 Stopping with your horse's butt in the gate as you enter the P&R
> > area.
$10 for stopping right on top of the down timer with a fractious horse and
giving evil looks when said timer asks you to please step forward with
your horse.
> > $5 Riding with someone, then taking your horse away as soon as YOUR
> > horse passes the pulse check but before theirs has.
DITTO, raise this to $10
> > $10 Letting your kids terrorize camp.
> >
> > $5 Assuming management didn't mean *your* dog when they said "all pets
> > must be on leash".
Raise these!!!
$25 for asking management "how much longer" when you can see they are
busy, busy, busy trying to figure up placements and BC.
> > $10 Showing up with a Jr. with no prior arrangements for a sponsor.
$25 for telling a potential sponser that your Jr will go at whatever pace
you want to set and you have to keep stopping cause the Jr is having
trouble making their horse go.
$50 per person for standing in the middle of the narrow run off lane while
waiting for your rider. Double it if you bring small children or pets,
especially if they are off leash!! Even when timer tells you to please
stand back. And triple if you find out that they are waiting on someone
who is not EVEN going to be top 10, much less top 2 or three!!
Samm--been on that end too many times
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