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re: GPS to calculate mileage

The newer (bought in the last 18 months) GPS receivers do much better
than this.  My Garmin GPS 12XL will sample as frequently as it is set (5
seconds is practical for riding horseback) and will plot the path as it
goes.  It has an odometer and speedometer function that is very accurate.
  And the price is relatively low - many of us have paid more for a HRM. 
 The path can be downloaded to a pc program and overlayed on a map. 
Several commercial programs can do this along with a great shareware one
called 'OziExplorer.

Dave Bennett
Chickamauga, Georgia

Truman wrote:
>>The other issue with the hand held models in the calculation of
is sampling time.  Most are on the order of minutes to sample the
location and then that data is used by a statistical algorithm - a
Kalman Filter in most units - to calculate the distance.  The sampling
interval is on the order of 4 minutes in the hand held units.  So every
4 minutes a location is calculate.  The unit then takes the last
location and "draws a line to the new location."  The distance of this
line is the distance that goes into the filter.  This is very sufficient
of hikers traveling at 2 mph.

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