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Re: Maps and GPS
For a comparison of Fugawi and Ozi-explorer, see
http://joe.mehaffey.com/ozi-fug2.txt. This site has a reputation for being
unbiased and accurate. For USGS maps, Ozi appears to be far superior. For
marine charts, Fugawi is the only one. I have not used Fugawi, but the
thought of waiting 7 minutes to import a USGS file (along with the
differences) discouraged me - I bought Ozi. Only complaint I have is the
inability to control the portion of the map I wish to print (although map
scale is completely controllable). I either get the whole map or only the
portion on the screen. Program is updated frequently (updates can downloaded
free). For other information related to gps and maps, the base site
(http://joe.mehaffey.com/) has a huge amount of information - it is
basically the FAQ for sci.geo.satellite-nav.
The USGS distributes DRG's on Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R). DRG orders are
filled on demand. There is a base charge of $45.00 per order, plus $3.50
shipping, plus $1.00 for each DRG quadrangle purchased. Sale of DRGs in
fixed 1-degree blocks was discontinued on October 1, 1998. The current
policy allows any combination of quadrangles to be ordered.
It is possible to order copies of the original 1 degree blocks (which
generally contained 64 7.5 min 1:24000 quads along with 1 1:100000 and 1
1:250000 maps) from other sources.
http://members.tripod.com/~Swiftcurrent/pnw_drg.html has Washington and
Oregon ($20 for a single CD block and $40 for a 2 CD block plus $4 shipping
for 4 CDs) and links to a couple of other swap sites and the free download
The DeLorme topos, emphasize low resolution (100 meter contours, scale
1:150000). I have a paper version for Washington and find it extremely
useful for backcountry access roads, useless for much else.
Duncan Fletcher
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed and Wendy Hauser <sisufarm@mmmpcc.org>
>There are some other companies and software available for route planning
>distance measurement:
>This software will talk to your GPS and plot routes on maps etc. They
>sell maps but you can use just about any map if you have a scanner.
>maps are loaded and then calibrated by knowing the exact coordinates of 3
>places on the map. The USGS will sell you CD-ROMs of 1 degree by 1 degree
>areas of the country for a reasonable fee. They are available through the
>various USGS offices (I deal with Rolla, MO). Since the CD-ROMs ignore
>state boundaries they are not as convenient as some, but they do cover the
>whole country.
>This company is located in NH, so their initial coverage is more east,
>though the west coast is also covered. They are working on covering the
>whole country. If your state or area is not covered, you can email them
>they will tell you when it is available. The software is better than
>fugawi, and the price is reasonable ($99 for a CD-ROM which covers about
>of a medium sized state). Upload, download, distance, tracks,routes and
>good printing are all supported. Also a graph of elevation change for a
>route can be printed.
>This company has highway maps that work with a GPS and also a 4 CD-ROM set
>for low resolution topos of the entire country. I don't know what topo
>route planning capability the topo maps have as I haven't bought them.
>Ed and Wendy Hauser
>1140 37th Street
>Hudson, WI 54016
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