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Re: cost to ride managers, LD changes
>>Believe me, I am one of those riders who's rig
bummed a ride for my first 3000 miles, having no
trailer of my own. I have
managed many rides and I feel like the 10$ fee
won't hurt me a bit. I have
only lost money once,never really made much, but
breaking even was the goal.
amy whelan,
chicken chase endurance ride manager>>
Another perspective: try putting on an AERC ride from north of the
border. Rides are small to begin with, then multiply by 1.5 to get
from Canadian dollars to U.S. That goes for ALL fees including
non-member. Try to imagine your ride will ever break even - NOT! Try
to imagine how you would feel if all of your potential break even
monies were shipped to a foreign country. Now try and tell me why
Canada ought to continue AERC sanctioning their rides. (For the
record, some provinces successfully sanction their own rides, and stay
in the black).
I appreciate AERC for all they've done for the sport world-wide, but
just as AERC is evolving, so are endurance organizations in other
countries. The latest LD fee/bylaw change is probably the proverbial
straw that will break the camel's back as far as Canada and maybe some
regions of the U.S. are concerned.
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