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saddle fit/back soreness?
This has me stumped, perhaps someone can help.
I have been riding my mare with an aussie saddle ever since I've had her (2
years), with no apparant problems at all. About two months ago I noticed
that when I removed the saddle and pad there were two areas on either side
towards the back of her withers where the saddle sits that did not produce
sweat - just dry spots. These are in what is one of the pressure areas and
my knowledge has been that this indicates a saddle fit problem and quite
possibly is an indicator of impending soreness. HOWEVER - there was not a
hint of soreness, no hair rubbing off at all, and no hair discoloration
(from what I can tell, she's a fleabit grey). I have continued to ride in
this saddle but have very carefully monitored for even the slightest hint of
soreness or rubbing - there hasn't been one, but I am still concerned. I
alternate with a general purpose english saddle just for comparison in her
movement - there is no difference, but the spots aren't there with the
english saddle. I am seriously considering giving up the aussie saddle but
would like opinions on this first...
If you make people think they're thinking they'll love you...if you really
make them *think* they'll hate you - Don Marquis
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