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No One Should Ride Free

One Ridecamper wrote:

"So those complaining about subsidizing kids in schools because they don't
have any must not like our species very much."

I believe if you re-read the earlier posts, mention was made of the fact
that most singles and childless couples *do* support subsidizing public
education, healthcare for children, vaccinations, and other services which
are undeniably for the benefit of society as a whole.  Reasonable health
and a good education are necessary for children to grow up into
responsible, productive citizens. Riding endurance is not.  I didn't ride
endurance, didn't ride anything at all as a child, in fact, and yet I am a
socially-active, responsible, contributing member of society.  I
benefitted greatly from top-notch public education and am more than happy
to pay property taxes that will provide the same opportunities to the
children of others.

This person further wrote:

"So I only ask that adults be treated fairly and continue to give kids a

Exactly.  Treat adults fairly, yes, and give kids a break, okay.  But no
one should ride free, or even practically free.  That is NOT the prinicple
upon which this country was founded.

If the huge discount that AERC gives on family memberships and convention
fees is truly a concerted effort by the BOD to encourage family
memberships, then I would like for that to be plainly stated, so that I
know where I stand in this organization.  If that is not the case, then
perhaps this issue should be considered in future discussions on finances
and fee structure?

Glenda & Lakota
Mobile, AL
AERC # M18819 & H27310
SE Region

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