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Re: Kids Ride Free!!!!

On Sat, 05 Dec 1998 08:59:06 -0600 (CST), "Jerry Fruth"
<> wrote:

>Joe, Rides managed   3. and I had to underwrite each one.  Managing a ride
>has nothing to dowith everyone carrying their own load.  As a side note,
>does your comment mean that ride managers should expect to break eaven or
>make a profit?  From my side of the fence I would suggest that if a person
>wants to put on a ride then they take their chances.  Jerry Fruth AERC #

The non-member fees have nothing to do with everyone carrying their
own load, as they are well over and above the cost to AERC of
processing the ride data.  They have a lot to do with trying to force
people who don't choose to join, to pay in lieu of dues to the AERC.

Ride managers should not have to operate at a loss.  Yes, we take our
chances.  The AERC should *NOT* be making it more difficult for us.
The AERC should be supporting ride managers, not financially, but at
least not harming them financially.

I have lost over $1,000 on a single ride out of my own pocket.  I was
willing to do it, to promote the sport and provide more opportunities
for the riders in my area.  I am not willing to do it to send more
money to the AERC.

Joe Long AERC #1   


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