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Re: AERC Non-Member Fees

To the gurst writer I have but one thing to say...... Cheapskate!!  Jerry
Fruth AERC#441

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, wrote...
>You must post replies to the actual sender listed below.
>From: lurker 
>AERC is probably on thin ice legally in this matter of charging
non-members.  If a class action suit were brought by those non-members to
recover the funds, AERC would have a difficult time defending itself.  
>The case could fairly be made that AERC is using/abusing a monopoly
position (the power to withhold sanctioning) for monitary gain, unrelated
to any legitimate sanctioning purpose.  
>Said another way, the money being paid by non-members is being extorted
via the ride managers.
>This viewpoint is offered by a non-member who once tried to refuse paying
the $10 only to be begged by the ride staff not to make waves.

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