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Re: Fwd: non-member fees--yes, more!
On Fri, 4 Dec 1998 SandyDSA@aol.com wrote:
> IN fact, 4H is the ONE group that doe snot allow participatio in their own
> sanctioned events unless you belong to 4H. Some clubs sponsor fundraising
> shows - one of our does - but to participate as 4H you muct be in it - from
I have participated in 4-H shows right here in OC (haven't seen one in a
number of years). I am not a member of 4-H, I just pulled up with my
trailer, unloaded my horse, paid my $4 entry fee for the classes, no CA
drug fee (they told me that if you charge less than $5, then the State
doesn't assess this fee), and showed my horse.
I am not, nor have I ever been a member of 4-H. It is possible that this
wasn't "sanctioned" by the 4-H, but was just a schooling show put on by
the local club, but I know I went, 'cuz I still have the ribbons hanging
in my bathroom.
Orange County, Calif.
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