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Race of Champions

The following is a post from Susan Gibson, owner of Trailblazer Magazine
and Founder of the Race of Champions.  She asked me to post it for her.


After a great deal of thought,  as of 11-18-98,  I have made the decision
that the Race of Champions is officially  retired permanently.   I loved
the ROC and it was a grand and special event in my life and in the lives
thousands of people over the past fifteen years.  My original goal was to
do it for ten years and then retire, and when I tried to retire  I was
pressured beyond my resolve to continue the race which I did for four
years.  But the truth is that the event was almost a full time job, and
many years the event did not break even and I had to invest a good bit of
my own money into the race.  I don't think that people had a true reality
about the expenses of an event like this - both financial and physical
emotional.  The event use to be fun, and I was pleased to give whatever
took to present the ROC to the riders each year, but it is time for me to
focus on other things in my life.  The Trail Blazer Magaine has and
continues to grow and I need to focus all my energies on helping this
magazine grow.

>From 1984 to this date, there has never been another endurance ride in
world that has come close to the magic that the ROC offered to endurance
riders around the world.  My hope and prayer is that someday (soon I
that there is another endurance race that is born that will continue the
tradition of the ROC of authentic quality.  I wish all endurance rides
future ride managers the best of success in that endeavor.

Sincerely,  Susan Gibson
founder and race director, Race of Champions (retired)
founder and publisher, Trail Blazer Magazine


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