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Re: Limited Distance Program
The only problem I see when you have experienced, knowledgable people
racing at 25 miles it's hard (for ride managers) to explain to newcomers
(whose horses don't appear to be conditioned) why THEY shouldn't do it.
There's always 1 or 2 who take the attitude "we're just trying to keep
them from beating our friends" etc.& they'll show us. Sure enough they
take off at a 12-15 mph (or faster) pace. If they have a good,
naturalathlete, they'll pass the first vet check. Sometimes even the
finish exam. Then, all of a sudden the adrenaline wears off & they have
a horse that doesn't feel so good & really should be treated. Now we're
just gouging them for more money! (vet bill). They pack up in a huff &
leave, never to be seen again. I always just hope the horse is okay.
Even worse are the people who really care deeply about their horse &
unknowingly get caught up in a crowd. They are devastated to learn they
may have done serious damage to their horse. Granted it isn't that
extreme very often, but it always makes me feel really bad.
Nancy Mitts
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