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Hi, all.
Once again I have been sitting on my hands throughout this
"discussion". At the risk of really interrupting an escalating
vituperative (how's that for woids?) , and in an uncharacteristic
potential commercial (which will probably make some people
even more annoyed), I must say that my Company makes an
excellent "probiotic" product called Anidophilus, and I would
pit it against any of the more well-known brands any day or
night. It is more concentrated, easier to mix, requires no refrig-
eration, and has a very, very long shelf life.
Since virtually no-one on Ridecamp has tried it, as it is a
very new addition to our company, I cannot imagine a debate
starting on this product. I would be more than happy to relate
specifics to anyone who would E-mail me privately. We do
stand behind the integrity and quality of all we produce and sell.
This is our 40th year as a family owned and operated business
and our reputation is excellent.
In case anyone wants to slap my hand for this "ad", please
understand that I feel compelled to give everyone a really
great alternative. In fact, I will send a sample to anyone who
is willing to send me a self-addressed envelope. I will even
stamp it for you.
Please stop fighting, and try something new. Thanks. Linda (AVP)
Susan Evans Garlinghouse wrote:
> > In a message dated 12/2/98 8:00:21 PM Central Standard Time,
> > suendavid@worldnet.att.net writes:
> >
> > << As far as my having no knowledge or experience...well, I'll
> > be happy to stack my credentials against yours, if that's what you're
> > asking for.
> Equihealth@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Susan, you seem to "manifest" things like this on a regular basis. Why do you
> > do that?? Is there some point you are trying to make??
> I'm just putting forth my opinion, for what it's worth, not worth any
> more or any less than anyone else's. Most people on this list don't
> tend to start foaming at the mouth over the concept of having a
> differing opinion, as long as they're polite about it. May I suggest
> that decaf is just as tasty as the real thing?
> "If that is what
> > you're asking for." Experience in trying a product and the experience in your
> > field that you are touting, has no direct correlation to any part of this
> > conversation.
> Other people seem to feel that it is---so why don't you just hit your
> delete button and save us all the jumping up and down?
> It's like you feel this urge to try and cram your credentials
> > down some unsuspecting victim's throat whenever possible.
> Cram? Unsuspecting victim? Let's not get *too* dramatic here. You're
> the one that started in implying I have no qualifications or right to an
> opinion simply because I didn't go beyond my first two initial exposures
> to ABC, and heaven forbid that I dare to put forth an opinion that
> doesn't agree with yours.
> Or do you just
> > prefer to skim over material without READING it?
> Some people and posts on this list I tend to read alot more carefully
> than others. People that have so much free time in their day that they
> get their panties all in a twist over a simple difference of opinion,
> well....
> Susan G
- References:
- From: Susan Evans Garlinghouse <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>
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