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Re: Limited Distance Program

In a message dated 12/3/98 0:36:27 AM EST, writes:

<< I realize we have been reading alot of emotional posts about our LD
 rides.  If we are really changing horses here in midstream, going from
 training format to LD races ,then we better get the four year olds out
 of these races. In fact we should consider more vet checks and other
 safety precautions for this  program. J.

As a career LD person for 6 years, my experience with this is:  There are
riders that RACE the 25-30 mile rides. Not too many though. The worst case
I've seen has been at the Carolina 30/50/100 each year.  (this year was not
like that though) In the 1996 Carolina, the winner of the 30 did the ride in
something like 1 hour and 58 min.! Several years ago, I was riding an awesome
horse that did that ride in 2 hr 15 min and placed 11th. These are very fast
times for a 30. During this same time frame, Cash did the 100 there in just
over 7 hours, so she raced the whole thing also. The greatest majority of LD
people trot, trot, trot. I have consistantly placed "middle of the pack" for 6
yrs. Most others do also. Racing in the SE LD rides is really not much of a
problem. The winner of the Carolina 30 this year did the ride in close to 3

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