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Re: Judging how to "move up a level"...
In a message dated 12/3/98 0:13:18 AM EST, elsie@calweb.com writes:
<< seem to think that the purpose of LDs was to whet people's
appetites - to prove to themselves "hey, that wasn't nearly
as bad as I though - I bet I could go on and do more". I >>
I don't know the original purpose of LD, but I do know that LD allowed me to
try the sport for the first time. I would never have tried the sport if the
shortest distance was 50 miles. I felt less intimidated by the 25 or 30 mile
ride. I also have used this time to learn how to condition and care for myself
and my horse, so that IF I ever go on to longer distances, the chances are
better for a sound horse at the finish line.
Leigh Preddy
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