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Re: Arthritis & cider vinegar

I hope your horse never ties up again, but we had one go 3 years between 
episodes, so don't let the time lapse lull you into thinking it's 
Nancy Mitts

>I've been feeding Spot (he tied up twice badly this year and last) 
>vinegar now for about 8 months. I feed it for the two reasons stated:
>arthritis and Azoturia (tying up) also for minerals etc. He gets 
>kelp and rosehip supplement as well. When he originally tied up I think 
>was very run down and just before it happened he was not his usual 
>self. Since there was no other reason for the tying up to happen 
>So far he is healthy and happy and once we are past March 1999 I will 
>able to relax a little because it will have been a whole year since the 
>attack and summer will be round the corner. I certainly be able to 
>him against tying up again. 

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