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Limited Distance Program
At the risk of being flamed off of ridecamp I feel a need to express myself
on the state of AERC's Limited Distance program. When I rode my first ride
in the early 1980's I rode the 25 mile training ride. My mentors told me
in no uncertain terms that this distance was only for preparing for a 50 mile
endurance ride, and that racing in a 25 mile training ride was a good way to
ruin my horse. I was told that when I could finish a 25 mile ride in less
that 3 hours, with a horse that passed the final vet check in good shape, it was
time for me to move up to 50 miles. It took three 25 mile rides along with
six months of conditioning to meet that goal with the Appendix QH I was riding
at the time.
I am troubled with the decision to give regional and national awards to the
Limited Distance division. If someone wants to be a career LD rider then
that is fine but AERC, IMO, is making a mistake with these additional awards
regardless of who is paying for these awards. AERC stands for the American
Endurance Ride Conference so if LD is to achieve national award status
perhaps the definition of an endurance ride needs to be redefined. In
watching the evolution of the LD program I hope that in 10 years we are not
giving regional and national awards for 15 to 20 mile rides. I am sorry if
I have offended any LD riders out there. You are important to the sport
but don't sell yourself short by not taking the step up to endurance
riding. And if you have physical limitations that prevent you from riding
farther than 25 miles then stay at that distance and AERC will keep track of
your mileage accomplishments. My best friend was injured in a car accident
many years ago and probably will never be able to ride farther than 25 miles a
day. We have talked about the LD program and she is happy to have her LD
mileage tracked and is appalled that regional and national championships may be
given in LD. By the way she has paid her AERC membership for the past
several years even though she hasn't ridden a sanctioned ride in over 10
I have agonized over hitting the send key for this message as I don't want
to sound as if I am against change. Change is fine but we need to be aware
of the messages we are sending with whatever changes we make.
On a lighter note, I just finished 2 days of the Silver State ride and
would like to thank Claire and Peggie for their great ride management. I
wore through 2 easy boots on the second day and had to have Jim Bumgardner help
cut one of them off my horse's hoof at the end of the ride. Karen Chaton
demonstrated carbo loading Dreamweaver while mounted just before the first water
stop on the first day. Cool!
Happy Trails,
Marci Cunningham AERC#1455
Bakersfield CA
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