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Re: Winter Riding in N. Cal.

Hi Jack, wrote:
>      Adobe mud really sucks.  This last rain pretty much closed down my
>      normal trails on the west side of Mt. Diablo, Calif.  So here is a
>      question for northern Calif. ridecampers.  Where are your favorite
>      winter time training trails in N. Cal where I won't kill my horse or
>      myself?  Come on now, you must know some good places.

I'll post this back to the list because there are quite a few of us
Californians represented. I've ridden four days in the rain this fall -
and we haven't had many more. I'm Very interested in any additions that
get made to my list of favorites.

FORT ORD, Monterey / Salinas - is an all weather park with hard packed
sand roads and lots of sand. Can get in 20 rolling miles in the pouring
rain at a trot... we did it last Friday. Contact Steve Chidester or Mike
Black if you want an escort through the treacherous quick sand bogs!!!
You may need to bribe them! Seriously, you can drop belly deep in these
bogs and have to dig your horse out. They are easy enough to spot if you
know how. Mike Black offered to take a group of us out and teach us what
to look for.

GRANT RANCH - east foothills of San Jose - Is a year round park, was
rideable during the recent ride, wasn't it?!! I guess that is a matter
of option. Many folks considered it "enduring" vs "riding". 

MT. MADONNA - Gilroy - very rarely closes trails. Is a smaller park, but
I can get a good hill workout by riding the trails in a series of figure

WILDER RANCH - Santa Cruz - I called this weekend and it had rained a
lot and the trails were still open and reportedly okay.

QUICKSILVER - Almaden / San Jose - these trails are okay if they don't
get drenched too much, and dry out okay. I rode them in the rain Sunday
and they were okay.

Parks that I think are open and okay:

SANTA TERESA - Almaden / San Jose - supposedly the same as Quicksilver

RANCHO DEL OSO - above Swanton / Davenport - I haven't ridden here in
the rain but was told it was okay.

POINT REYES NATL. SEASHORE - North of SF... I have friends who have
ridden here after hard rains and claim the trails stay nice.

What did I miss???   Linda

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