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Fw: genetics of horse color
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Saul <kitten@resp-sci.arizona.edu>
To: wind@visionsofthewind.com <wind@visionsofthewind.com>
Date: Monday, November 30, 1998 11:56 PM
Subject: genetics of horse color
I am also a biologist. An area of great interest for me has
been horse color genetics and let me tell you that Arabians DO have
a pattern gene, the Sabino pinto color pattern IS present in many
Arabian horses. It is the ONLY pattern gene that purebred Arabians
have and is also responsible for many QH cropouts though it is called
Overo by Paint people because they have traditionally lumped three
patterns together under the one heading (Sabino, Frame overo, and
Splash while Tobiano is put under its own heading). I'd have posted
this to the entire group but my server is strange and even though
I get the list I can't seem to post to it. If you would like to
send out my posting to the group I wouldn't mind.
Tracy and everybody
Tracy Scheinkman
Misty Mountain Arabian Sport Horses
Tucson, AZ
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