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Re: Arthritis

I also feed both mine on Cider vinegar and have the same good results. Cider
vinegar has loads of minerals and vitamins and is supposed to be a good
preventative against tying up (Azoturia). 

Annette (Spot and Kitty)


>Subject: Re: Arthritis
>Date: Tue, Dec 1, 1998, 6:14 am

>Hi!  I have had a lot of luck with feeding apple cider vinegar to my arthritic
>older horses.. Approximately a 1/2 cup per day either on the hay or
>grain/pellets will do the trick.  My 22 year old Paint gelding is now running
>up and down the creek in his pasture where before he could only gimp.  It is
>truly amazing.  It can't hurt, so give it a try with your other supplements.
>I have all my horses on it currently.  It is also a homeopathic fly remedy.
>You can't lose!

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