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Fwd: Arthritis
In a message dated 11/30/98 11:29:49 PM EST, bethk@rosenet.net writes:
<< The only problem I have is she has developed a
little arthritis in her front left leg. I put her on Dynamite Plus
vitamins, 1 scoop of Dynamite ester c a day, and 1/2 scoop of Dynamite Free
n Easy. She is doing much better and I realize she will have to be on this
every day for the rest of her life, but she will occasionally still limp at
the trot. Is there anything else I can do for her? >>
I can't give you any cures, wish I could, but what I can tell you is this: It
won't matter to the ride vets if she is 4 years old or 40, if she limps
consistantly, she cannot compete! I would work on getting her completely
sound first, then and only then, would I consider taking her to a ride. If
she limps at the pre-ride vet check, you have wasted your time. They won't
overlook it because she is getting on in the years, or because you have a vet
note or anything. Just being sure you know this ahead of time.
Leigh Preddy SE
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- To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>, "Kristen L Olko" <krisolko@juno.com>
- Subject: Arthritis
- From: "Beth Kailiuli" <bethk@rosenet.net>
- Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 20:17:58 -0800
- Resent-Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 20:37:46 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From: ridecamp@endurance.net
- Resent-Message-ID: <"pFA2u3.0.zE7.5AtOs"@starfish>
- Resent-Sender: ridecamp-request@endurance.net
Hi all, I hope some of you can help me. I have never done a ride before
and I am looking at going to the Prineville, OR ride next May. My mare is
24 and I had the vet give her a physical. He drew blood and had everything
checked. He said she is great and I can do a 25 on her. I started putting
the miles on her last June. The only problem I have is she has developed a
little arthritis in her front left leg. I put her on Dynamite Plus
vitamins, 1 scoop of Dynamite ester c a day, and 1/2 scoop of Dynamite Free
n Easy. She is doing much better and I realize she will have to be on this
every day for the rest of her life, but she will occasionally still limp at
the trot. Is there anything else I can do for her? She has such heart to
keep on going (pure Arab, what else?) but she will tell me if she is really
hurting. I hope I'm not grasping at straws but I hope I can relieve all of
her arthritis.
Hi Brez!
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