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Just my Opinion- and this is really long!
The most recent posts in reference to the $10.00 non member fee, ride
fees, and "loss of rides" has tempted me once more to risk stepping into
a pile that is less appealing than the real stuff...but being an
endurance rider, I will take the challenge. So, not only will you find
my opinions expressed below, but I am attaching the VP's Message that you
will find in your December Endurance News that proposes a solution to the
problems of Canadian and other AERC friendly nations. BTW, please
remember that SUNDOWNER TRAILERS, INC. will pay 25% of your AERC
membership dues for new members or those who have not been a member since
Contrary to some opinions expressed here and elsewhere, the Board did not
apply the "non-member fee" of $10.00 to LD riders solely to raise fees
for AERC, but as a way to incorporate the LD riders demands to be a part
of AERC. We have a LD National Champion category and beginning with the
new ride season, we will have Regional LD Awards, as well. Based on the
information furnished to the Board by the LD Committee, said information
determined thru the LD Questionnaire/Survey, LD Riders want to be on an
equal membership basis with their fellow AERC members who ride longer
distances. Assuming this is a fact, then it is only logical that LD
Riders should be required to be members of AERC just like riders at
longer distances. As many of you may recall, I strongly opposed the "non
member fee" when it was originally proposed several years ago, but I
admit to being wrong. The fee has not had an adverse affect on ride
entries of 50 miles or longer. I see no reason to believe it will
affect 25 to 35 mile distances....and those who wish to put on a 15 mile
fun ride can still charge whatever they wish. Of course, I am assuming
the LD Bylaws change will be defeated.
As to records, Joe is wrong in stating:
"They are included in the ride results, but their mileage is not
tracked. They must pay a substantial fee to "recover" it."
If you join AERC you will not be charged for your accumulated mileage in
the previous 6 months. If you have more mileage from previous years, the
charge is really insignificant, usually less than $15.00. And Doyle
Patrick,our Executive Director, is working on a new processing fee
structure that should prove even easier.
As to the comments on AERC losing rides, this is not exactly right,
either. There have been a few cancellations of rides in Washington as a
"protest" to an Appeal of a protest..but there will be new rides
replacing these older ones..and I believe part of the cancellations were
due to burnout and loss of private land use. Unfortunately, it is the
riders in Washington who really suffer from this "protest". In the rest
of the country there is an increase in both rides and riders. As to the
Canadian rides, the following is my article found in the December issue
of EN:
by Randy Eiland
THE BIG PICTURE and the little details
Elvis Presley's favorite saying (and yes, I know he never joined AERC)
"TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS" and anyone who has been to Graceland will find
"TCB" on most of his properties. He also liked horses and some are still
at Graceland. Ok, now you know "E" believed in "TCB" and liked horses
too, but
you are asking what does this have to do with AERC and Big Pictures?
get ready to Shake, Rattle, and Roll with the following thoughts.
AERC is now faced with the reality of International monetary exchange
As you know, we have some members who reside in countries and provinces
outside of the United States, such as Canada. Using Canada as an
many of their rides are sanctioned with AERC and operate under our
the Canadian dollar has been devalued to the point that our "foreign"
friends are
faced with a financial chasm. This is particularly poignant now because
has instituted the new LD Rules that require LD riders to be members or
pay the
non member fee...about $15.00+ Canadian. I have been wrestling with the
question of how to continue our relationship without bankrupting our
friends, when an idea hit me. Currently, at an AERC sanctioned ride all
must be AERC members or pay a non member fee. What if AERC set up an
Associate Endurance Organization to allow other countries to operate
under our
umbrella as an associate rather than require their individual citizens to
members? I believe it is impolitic to ask another country to fall under
the title of
AMERICAN ENDURANCE RIDE CONFERENCE, but I think as associates of
AERC they can function as equal partners with us, and under the operating
principles and rules of AERC. Our "Associate Endurance Organization"
then sanction their own rides at their own exchange rate. Those
individuals who
wish to compete for AERC points and rankings can still do so by paying
dues. This option allows a "Foreign Country" to be associated with AERC
without penalizing it's own citizens thru the exchange rate....and it
still allows
anyone who wishes to join AERC to do so. AERC would only keep records
and/or points for those individuals who are dues paying members of AERC.
We are the most respected and successful endurance organization in the
and there is no question that we have the know how and much to offer our
friends. It would not take much for AERC to establish a governing and
sanctioning partnership whose members would consist of AERC and other
endurance friendly countries....operating under the basic principles and
that have made AERC so successful over the years. I am not suggesting a
"powerplay" on the international scene, only an alternative in which a
that wishes to be associated with AERC can do so without suffering
If this is an idea we wish to pursue, there is much to be worked out.
before we go further with this idea, it requires your input. I hope you
will give
this some thought and let your Directors know how you feel.
Changing directions, the following information is really exciting. Over
the last
nine months your AERC Board and office staff have worked exceptionally
at taking care of business, and the results of this effort are beginning
to show.
Our end of September, 1998 Financials show an actual NET INCOME of
$26,332.15, which is an ASTOUNDING $21,918.82 over our estimated
budget!!!! This does not mean our financial worries are behind us, but
it is
incredibly encouraging and every Board Member deserves a huge word of
thanks , as does Doyle Patrick and the office staff. Obviously, business
is being
taken care of, and the little details are helping the Big Picture.
Hand in hand with our financial success, AERC is poised for a
growth spurt with the help of SUNDOWNER TRAILERS, INC. Already we are
seeing positive results of Sundowner's 25% dues discount for new members.
Our national advertising campaign, underwritten by Sundowner, gets into
within the next few weeks and our numbers will jump even higher. This
anticipated growth requires that AERC continue to function as a
organization. However, this does not mean that AERC discards its people
friendly attitude and reputation. On the contrary, that philosophy is
one of our
biggest assets and we must always remember that FUN is the credo of
endurance riders. When you add our other AERC Sponsors into the mix,
NUTRITION, INC., AERC is truly preparing for a future filled with
national and
international success. Lest you forget, word of mouth is still our best
advertising, so keep talking about endurance and AERC.
Well, I don't know about you, but I have horses waiting and a trail to
ride. See
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