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Re: Nez Perce Appaloosas

Hi Maggie,and all the ridecampers
I breed foundation bred Appaloosas here in South Africa.I have  diffrent
bloodlines the Toby line and Southern Beau lines,from the States and
Chipperfield Spot bloodlines from the UK.I do cross breed with carefully
selected Arab mares(Appaloosa mares are hard to come by and cost the earth
here)My Appaloosas have no quarterhorse blood in them at all.I subscribe to
the Sundance 500 Magazine,only have foundation bred horses in them.In the
Appaloosa Journal most of the horses are quarter horses with colour.
Anyway I would be interested in a copy of the article you mentioned if this
is possible.There are only about +- 500 registered Appaloosas in this
country ,I have about 20 of them.My Appaloosas are bred for endurance and I
have done very well on my endurance Appaloosas.They are proven  and there is
quite alot of interest in the Arab/Appaloosa line that I am breeding as
well.My one mare Shanni is one of the few horses in this country who has
done over 5000 kms.(and still sound at that)
Before I carry on waffling away let me be off with myself.Any info about
foundation bred Appaloosas would be appreciated as well.
Hope to hear from you

-----Original Message-----
From: Maggie Mieske <>
To: Susan Wry <>
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, November 29, 1998 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: Nez Perce Appaloosas

>FOUND IT!  :)  Gotta look yourself in a house full of teens...they're half
>blind, ya know?  Anyway, it was an article about Appaloosas in the October
>issue of Horse Illustrated (The Appaloosa: A Spotted Tale by Audrey Pavia
>page 52) must be the one I was thinking of.  I have been doing alot of
>reading about breeds lately.  Anyway, if you can get your hands on it and
>interested in Appies, read it...if you have any specific questions and
>want to try finding it, send me a mail and I'll answer for you if I can.
>I'll read it again.

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