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stall running

> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 02:11:18 EST
> From:
> To:,,
> Subject: Re: T3, stall runner
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
> In a message dated 11/24/98 11:07:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL
> writes:
> << Can't say that I have any answers, but I would likewise sure be suspicious
> of hyperthyroidism!  Have heard it said that hyperthyroidism doesn't happen in
> horses, but have heard likewise about hypothyroidism, and I darn sure know
> that I see those.  What would he do without the grain?
>  Heidi >>
> Well, his muscle enzymes are already high and his monocyte count is on the
> high side. I'm afraid to stop the grain for fear this stall running is going
> to eat him alive. We tried a goat and he ran over the goat. We can tie him to
> the hayrack and he'll stand still then, but you can't do that 24 hours a day.
> Is there a treatment for hyperthyroid?
> If not, I was thinking about trying something like gamma oryzanol. 
> ti 
Carl writes;
Tom,I would run some Cerebrospinal fluid tests as well as free T4,TSH
before ruling out tumors of Central nervous system upper brain stem and
or hyperthyroidism associated with pituitary tumor.
Correct me if I'm wrong,but don't I remember you as a graduate student
working out of U of Michigan on a physiology grant at Northville
racetrack back around 1965-66-67 close to those dates.
I would think protzoan, aberrant strongyle or some exotic cause if the
CSF shows anything ,hyperthroidism far out on the limb.

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