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Fwd: letter to AERC president

This is a great letter in case anyone missed it!!
PS; I don't know who wrote it.
Are you Joan Ruprecht or Carol Driscoll?  
>From: "Joan Ruprecht" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: letter to AERC president
>Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 06:52:08 -0800
>To Dane Frazier,DVM,
>I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend any or all of the 
>rides that my local club puts on each year. I believe you will be =
>exposed to a segment of the endurance riding population
>that you represent but don't know exists.
>Let me explai.n. Our northern California club, the Redwood Empire =
>Endurance Riders has been in existence for over 20 years and has been =
>putting on AERC sanctioned rides for this number of years. We are =
>located in northern California and I don't mean the wealthy San =
>Francisco bay area. We are just below the Oregon border where the =
>Headwaters Forest is located.
>Our club puts on four rides per year and barely breaks even 
financially. =
>We put on quality rides but because of our location they are very 
small. =
>We have many junior riders that have horses due to the rural 
environment =
>but are stressed financially. Our club started a policy to trade work 
at =
>the rides for entries for these juniors. The new $10 fee will make it =
>impossible for our club to offer this incentive in the future.
>Now the reason I would like you to attend our rides.. I don't think you 
>will see any of our local riders driving $30,000 trucks pulling $20,000 
>trailers containing $5,000 worth of tack. I personally don't even know 
>what a "Western Hauler" is.
>This last ride season Tony Benedetti did attend several of our rides =
>pulling a very fancy horse trailer with a new diesel truck. Ron and 
Ruth =
>Waltenspiel attend our rides and are members of our local club. They =
>drive a semi but it's the same semi thet have had for as long as anyone 
>can remember. I personally own a $4500 aluminum trailer pulled by a 
1986 =
>Ford diesel with a camper shell. Total cost - truck and shell, $9000 =
>used. I raised my horse as did my husband from our own stock. My saddle 
>is a 20 plus year old Passier that I paid $425 ten years ago. My 
husband =
>rides a Stonewall that he purchased used for $400.
>Our club gives a year end award to the rider that does the best overall 
>on our four rides. It has been won by a gentleman named Chris Amaral 
the =
>last two years. He drives a 1977 Ford, pulls a rusted stock trailer and 
>rides a horse that was given to him. Yes, I believe that the additional 
>$10 fee could make or break our local rides. You as our president don't 
>seem to realize that AERC is a club that depends upon riders and ride =
>managers for their existence. No riders or rides no AERC. You as =
>president seem to lead an elitist existence. So I would really like to 
>see you attend some of our rides and observe how the other half lives =
>and then decide if AERC wishes to exclude the backbone from the =
>I also am sorry that you observed a horse fatality on your first 25 
mile =
>ride. This event has probably shaped your opinion of 25 milers for 
life. =
>Our club in the 20 years of putting on rides has had 2 fatalities. Both 
>horses were doing a 50 mile ride . We have had many horses that needed 
>treatment through the years and again most were doing 50 miles not 25! 
>So our local club has had a much different experience than you. Again =
>why don't you try attending some of the rides hosted by Redwood Empire 
>Endurance Riders. You might return home with a different perspective on 
>our sport!
>I have another concern I would like to bring up. If AERC as an =
>organization charges $10 dollars for a day membership why isn't the =
>persons mileage recorded. If they are members for one day they should =
>have their mileage compiled. What do they get for the $10? Most of the 
>limited distance riders in our area come to our rides for the =
>experience. They aren't interested in AERC and will only pay so much 
for =
>the fun. We live in a rural (lots of horses) economically depressed =
>area. Our local club struggles to attract riders and stay solvent at 
the =
>same time. It would be advantages for AERC to support and promote 
riders =
>and ride managers instead of always trying to figure out how to tax =
>management and enthusiasts.
>Carol Driscoll
>P.S. You seem to have inexpensive horses where you come from and you =
>don't pay your farriers enough!

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