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Re: Magnetic boots
Now that I've joined the "bad back" club, & am spending 3+ hours a day
in Seattle
traffic, my husband brought home the funniest looking "Massaging Back
Rest" pad
for the back of my seat (with heat & magnets". As he was taking it out
of the box
I said "take it back it probably cost too much!" Next morning I find it
Jeep! So, OK, I try it, might as well -- let me tell
you, it's wonderful! I can actually get Out of the vehicle after those
without groaning. So, I'm beginning to be a believer in their
therapeutic value.
Connie H.
Dbeverly4@aol.com wrote:
> I haven't used magnetic tapes on my horse, but a friend has on her navicular,
> former race horse and has had tremendous success. I'm not sure about leaving
> them on during riding, but they seem to help the healing process while the
> horse is not being ridden. Her gelding is ready to get going on his trail-
> riding career and she feels the magnetic boots were definitely part of the
> cure. In my own personal experience, I used a horse fetlock magnetic boot
> when I tore a ligament in my ankle two years ago. I first tried rest,
> cortizone shots and anything else I could think of. The same friend as above
> suggested magnetic tapes and between that and DMSO I was better in a matter of
> a couple of months (Finished the Tevis without any ankle pain this year!) I
> would definitely advocate magnetic tapes. The worst thing you can say about
> them is "they can't hurt".
> Sylvia
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